I haven't heard of him until now, I'll have to check it out. I've seen other videos of people giving to others, and I get a mix of feelings. On one side I feel good that this person in need is getting something that will improve their day, week, year, or even life. On the other hand, I ask myself if the giver would be willing to do it without a camera recording it. Is there a selfishness to all this generosity?
I don't know how to react because it shares a positive message, but at the same time, it exposes these people in need, to unwanted attention. Plus, it perpetuates a welfare behavior, instead of empowering people to do it themselves. Give them the tools, the opportunities, believe in them, instead of just making them more dependable.
Again, I don't know what to make of this. It's complex.
Anyway, thanks for sharing this story!